Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Apply it: It's possible

I remember the first time that I had an experience and was able to realize I could apply the scriptures to my life.  I was probably about 13.  My sister and I decided to go run errands because she had recently got her license and we wanted to feel independent.  Our last stop was my grandma's house.  When we got home we realized her purse was missing.  We went back to my grandma's and couldn't find it.  We figured out that she had put it in the top if the car and it must have fallen off when we drove home.  So we drove slowly all the way home to see if we could find where it fell off.  But being a purse we figured we wouldn't have much luck because of the value inside.  Someone would most likely grab it and keep it.  We got home again very discouraged.  Giving up, we tried to except that the purse was gone.  Not even five minutes of being home I went to my front door to go outside and there was the purse hanging on the door knob.  Someone had found the purse, took the time to find out who it belonged to and drove it to our house.  I was shocked.  I went up to my room and wondered how on earth was that possible and did that really happen to us.  I had a feeling to open my scriptures and the verse I found was this (St. Luke 1:37):  "For with God nothing shall be impossible."  

Lessons learned: 
1. Don't put your purse on top of your car.
2.There are honest people in this world, more then we might expect.
3. God has a hand in everything.

To this day that is my favorite scripture. As long as we have the Lord in our lives, we can do it all.  We can overcome any trial. We can do the hard things in life. I know that to be true because I have experienced it.  I am grateful for that knowledge because it is what will keep me going to the end, no matter the circumstance.

1 comment:

  1. Kimba,
    I love this blog. Thank you for doing it! You've always been an inspiration to me. :)
    Love ya.
