Sunday, January 22, 2012

Faithful Obedience

Lesson Learned:
"At time we may rationalize that the Lord will understand our disobedience because our special circumstances make adherence to His laws difficult, embarrassing, or even painful.  However, faithful obedience, regardless of the apparent size of the task, will bring the Lord's guidance, assistance, and peace."
-Bruce A. Carlson

I have experienced this in my own life.  Times when I chose to rationalize my choices and times when I chose to be obedient to the Lord's will.  I remember clearly an experience that caused much embarrassment and was most certainly difficult to keep to my standards the Lord has provided for us. I was a teenager and it was a typical Friday night hanging out with friends.  We chose a certain movie to watch.  I had wanted to see this movie for a while and was very excited.  Just as the movie was starting I remembered that my mom had said this movie was inappropriate and I probably shouldn't watch it, but being a teenager I didn't believe her.  Not even ten minutes into the movie it had become so inappropriate I found myself very uncomfortable and my heart was pounding.  I was so embarrassed, I really wanted to see this movie, and everyone else seemed to be enthralled in it.  I felt I was the only one feeling uncomfortable.  It took everything I had to stand up and "go to the bathroom".  I knew I didn't want to go back in that room til the movie was over or turned off but I had no where else to go because I didn't know this friend's house very well and I was all alone.

Difficult and Embarrassing.

Several times I thought to myself: Do I go back and just not pay attention? Do I play a game on my phone? Do I call my mom to go home (embarrassing as a 14 year old)? Do I sit here, awkwardly in this house til the movie is over?

Here's where the "Lord's guidance, assistance, and peace" come into play.  Once I had decided to not go back in the room, I found a nice back room where hopefully no one else in the house would cross paths with me and I sat there.  It seemed like eternity. (probably 5 minutes)  I heard footsteps and around the corner pops my friend.  She looks at me with this worried look on her face and asked what I was doing.  Ha. I'd been caught. I told her I didn't really appreciate the movie and no longer wanted to watch it.  She had this HUGE sigh of relief and said she felt the same way.  She saw me get up and noticed I didn't come back and wondered if I left for the same reasons she wanted to leave.  So we sat there and talked.  Assistance from the Lord? yes.  Peace? yes.  Guidance? yes. Because I left she had the courage to leave also and the Lord ensured that we were not alone in our valiant choice as embarrassing as it felt.  By the end of the movie two more of our friends staggered there way into the room I found and stated they wished they had left sooner.

Your typical primary "movie scenario"? Maybe. But looking back on that choice, I recognize the Lord's hand in my life at that time as He provided friends, peace, and means for me to make the right decision.  Yes the other friends wondered why we left and passed judgments, but I am grateful to know I made the right choice. And grateful the Lord helped ease the burden a bit.  I am grateful for the Lord and the help that He gives us.  The assurance that we are not alone, and when we are obedient to Him, He will guide and protect us.

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