Friday, April 8, 2011

To be or not to be

Sometimes I wonder why I make the choices I do. I know what is right. I know what is wrong. I know I am a child of God and that He loves me and that He has given me everything. I am breathing because of Him. So if He has given me everything, if He has suffered the ultimate for me, then why? why do I still do things I ought not to do?! Or why do I think the way I do sometimes. Why am I so quick to judge, or get offended, or put someone down? And then after doing those things I wonder why I am not happy. 

Lesson learned:
"To be without God in the world--in other words, to refuse to live His gospel and therefore lack the companionship of the Spirit--is to be in a state contrary to the nature of happiness. The gospel of Jesus Christ is, in fact, the--note that this is singular, meaning it is the only--'great plan of happiness' (Alma 42:8). If you opt for any other way of life or try to live only the parts of the gospel that seem convenient, such a choice will cheat you of the full, resplendent joy and happiness for which you were designed by our loving Father in Heaven and His Son."
(Marcus B. Nash, "The Great Plan of Happiness," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 49

The spirit cannot dwell with us at all times when we are partly living the gospel. Cause when we are partly doing things that the Lord has asked us not to, we are partly living two lives. And somewhere down the road we can't live both lives and we have to choose. It is simple. Make wrong choices and be not happy. Make good choices and be happy. I think everyone could agree with me they would much rather be happy right? He knows we are not perfect. But He also knows that we can become perfect. When I think of perfect I think of happiness. Purely happy. Joy. Perfectly happy. So why not choose to be happy.  As I make my day to day choices and decisions I will strive to remember why I'm here. I'm here to find happiness. I'm here to become perfect like Him. So why choose to be bitter, when He is forgiving. Why choose to judge, when we are just as imperfect. Why choose to put her down, when she is a daughter of God too, just as loved, just as important to Him as me. Once again, why not choose to be happy. Live to be happy.

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